I’m Here For A Reason
I’m here because money is a major lever for change, at any level. Whether the purchase of a home, conscious consumption, aligning investments with personal values, or implementing a grand philanthropic plan, the way we use money helps to shape our world, and our legacy. Collectively, the way we earn, save, spend, and invest money dictates the trajectory of human culture and society. It can be tricky – for people with progressive values, evolved world-views, or spiritual practices to responsibly align their money with their values. I’m here because I love working with people to demystify their finances, and to find deep comfort and peacefulness in their relationship with money.
My Journey Into Power
My journey into power has evolved upon three paths, entrepreneurship, self-improvement, and wilderness travel. For thirty years, I’ve been an entrepreneur, advisor, and investor with a passion for using business to make a positive impact since my mid-teens. I’ve been blessed to build several businesses in the world-renowned start-up ecosystem of Boulder (and Denver) Colorado and across the globe, where I’ve developed an extensive network of entrepreneurs, investors and professionals committed to innovation at scale. During those same thirty years, my self-improvement path has led me to a deep tai-chi practice, and a spiritual community that inspires and humbles me daily. For over forty years, travel in the wilderness has helped me develop the skills and perception of a humble human on a planetary scale. I have built fitness, confidence, and tools to survive in the natural environment that used to be our home.
Aligning Being With Doing
From my mid-teens, people have been coming to me for advice. I still hear, “I’ve never told anyone this, but……” at least once a month. That tells me that I’m a natural advisor. Blending in my insatiable curiosity, three decades of leadership in this deep entrepreneurial culture, and exploration of diverse spiritual philosophies makes me uniquely qualified to help business owners, progressive thinkers, and people of all walks of life moving through mid-life transitions, make responsible financial decisions that integrate their values, families, and deeper questions into living a whole and fulfilling life. I have been advising friends, peers, and colleagues for decades. In 2017, I formally became a wealth advisor, and have built a strong business in a short period of time. I come to Conscious Capital Wealth Management excited to integrate my focus on Whole Wealth Advisory with a great team and resources. I am so excited to continue to empower my network of progressive entrepreneurs, mid-life transitioners, and beautiful humans who are passionate about living their dreams and aligning their investing with their values.