In this episode, Lawrence explains why he starts every meeting with a new client discovering their dreams and reason for being here. He and his entire team are dedicated to aligning investment plans toward not only building wealth, but also building a life. Mike leads...
Jair Bolsonaro isn’t there either. While the President of Brazil is not in attendance, the country is still represented, but one is forced to wonder what the degree of commitment is when the boss chooses not to attend for “strategic” reasons. On the positive side of...
Discovering Your Purpose In this episode of Next Wave Leadership, Lawrence Ford, renowned entrepreneur, author, and spiritual leader, sits down with Dov Pollack to discuss his real-life journey towards self-actualization—and how you can find an enlightened...
Charting COP-26 and The Global (In)Action Agenda for Innovation in Agriculture, November 9, 2021. On November 6th, we got a clever hashtag mention — #climateshot – and a “Global Action Agenda”: Increase investment in agricultural research and innovation to...
Charting COP-26 and the Path to Zero, November 5, 2021. Yesterday a consortium of mostly Anglo and European countries signed a statement affirming a commitment to “deliver sustainable, green and inclusive economic growth to meet the challenge of decarbonising our...
Today at COP-26 we received a declaration entitled “INTERNATIONAL AVIATION CLIMATE AMBITION COALITION”. Commercial aviation is a non-trivial contributor to GhG emissions. The widely cited statistic is that, if the industry were a nation, total output would rank it 7th...